If you’ve got a Parmak Fence Charger, there are a few things you need to know about using it. For instance, you need to make sure you use it in the right way. And, if you’re thinking of buying one, you should check out the warranty information first.
The joule is not the correct way to measure the performance of any electric fence charger
Regardless of what you hear, joule is not the only way to measure the performance of an electric fence charger. The joule is an indicator of the amount of energy stored in the main capacitor of an energizer, and is not the only metric used to measure the effectiveness of the energiser.
A high stored joule means an effective fence, and a low stored joule may mean a less effective fence. Some companies claim that one stored joule will power a fence over ten kilometers. Those claims ignore the efficiency of a transformer, which is not 100 percent.
Safety is paramount in horse fencing design. Smooth surfaces without protruding nails or sharp edges reduce the risk of injury to horses. Proper height and spacing prevent horses from getting entangled or attempting to jump over the fence.
Output joules are another measure of a fence energiser’s performance. Typically, a large energiser dials up the joules in low load conditions. It may also be rated with peak output joules that are too high for the load.
Stored joules can be measured to determine the amount of electrical energy stored in the main capacitor before each pulse. When the energy is released, it is transmitted through the energizer and into the transformer.
One stored joule doesn’t mean the same thing as a one watt second, and it’s not a good indicator of how much electric shock a fencer produces. Moreover, it’s important to understand that a fence charger is not like a motor. In this regard, the most efficient design produces the shortest on-time, which results in the safest shock.
Electric fences have been around for a long time, and there are many different energisers on the market. You can find large energisers that provide five Joules of power, and smaller energisers that deliver up to two Joules. But a good fencer is the one that provides the safest shock for the animal, with the least amount of “on-time” and the most power.
It’s best to choose an energizer based on what you need. That includes your load, location, and your power needs. Once you have made that determination, you can select a charger based on the maximum distance of energized wire it can handle. If you’re installing a remote fence, it’s better to use battery- or solar-powered models.
Keeping chickens and foxes out of your fence
If you have chickens or livestock and you want to protect them from predators, you’ll need an electric fence. These can be made to fit any type of area. Some systems can be mounted on posts, while others can be attached to existing wire fencing. You will also need a charger to power the system.
The Parmak Super Energizer 5 is a good choice for a large pasture. It can produce a powerful 8000 volts, which is good for a multi-wired fence. There is a built-in performance meter, which lets you see the output of the device.
The Fi-Shock Ac low impedance electric fence charger is another popular solution. It is suitable for medium-sized animals, and comes with a three-year warranty. In addition, it is easy to install.
You’ll need to mount the charger to the fence, with a nail through the hanger hole. Make sure you use an insulated wire for the ground connection.
In general, the best way to keep foxes away is to build a fox proof fence. This should be 1800 mm high and made of 80mm mesh aperture. You can also reinforce the fence with a non-conductive cord. Use a steel post for the external part of the fence, since foxes can easily break timber posts. Ideally, you’ll need a minimum of two wires, at 45 and 20 cm.
Lastly, you can try live trapping. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always keep foxes out. But it can be useful for temporary protection. Foxes have learned to associate light with humans, so using a motion-triggered light can be helpful. However, this is not a foolproof method of keeping foxes away from your poultry.
So, when looking for the best way to keep chickens and foxes away from your chickens, you can’t go wrong with an electric fence and a Parmak charger. They’re durable, dependable, and affordable. Also, you can get them in all shapes and sizes, so you can customize your fencing to suit your needs. Take care to check out all of the options available, and you’ll be well on your way to keeping your flock safe.
Avoid surging the voltage of the fence
When you are using an electric fence charger, it is important to avoid surging the voltage. This will affect the shock that it delivers.
It is also important to use a surge protector between the charger and the electrical outlet. You can use a GFCI outlet, which will sense the power flow and turn the circuit off.
The best electric fence chargers have low impedance technology. These devices will recognise the cut weeds and prevent unnecessary battery drain.
Parmak, one of the oldest manufacturers of fence chargers, started production in 1921. Their products are manufactured in the U.S. They have a wide variety of models.
Electric fence chargers need to be repaired and maintained regularly. If you are experiencing any problems, it is important to contact the factory. They can provide instructions on troubleshooting. Also, it is important to check the battery. Some batteries will need to be replaced. During the initial training period, a battery will run out faster.
When buying a charger, it is important to purchase a product with a UL or CSA listing. A fence charger without these listings can be dangerous to operate.
Parmak electric fence chargers are tested by the Canadian Standards Association and Underwriters Laboratories. Lightning damage is covered under warranty.
Another safety feature of these fence chargers is the Electro-Gard, which protects the charger from lightning. In addition, the chargers are backed up by a two-year manufacturing warranty.
Having an electric fence charger is a great way to keep livestock in place. There are several types available, but the most effective are the DC powered and solar powered fence chargers. Both types can be used with a variety of fences.
Choosing the right model depends on the area and type of fencing you are putting up. For instance, a solar fence charger is ideal for cattle and horses. Likewise, a DC powered charger is best for predator control.
Most models come with a digital meter and a flashing LED light to indicate the status of the charge. Parmak models also include an exclusive performance meter that will tell you the exact status of your fence at all times.
Check for warranty information before buying
If you are looking for a fence charger, check for warranty information before purchasing one. Most brands offer a one year or two year warranty. However, some companies offer a three or four year warranty.
Parmak has been supplying high quality electric fencing equipment since 1921. In addition to their products, the company offers excellent customer service and support. The brand is UL and Canadian Standards Association listed.
Parmak is also known for their exclusive performance meter. This device eliminates guesswork by measuring the voltage output, battery charge, and battery level. Moreover, the meter shows the jole of the charger.
The DF-SP-LI solar fence charger features an exclusive-to-brand performance meter. It measures the output of the charger, battery charge, and battery level.
Similarly, the Parmak SE5 504564 Super Energizer comes with an in-built digital performance meter. It is designed with a solid steel case and can produce 8,000 volts of energy. Moreover, it is protected by the Electro-Gard lightning protection system.
Besides, the Parmak fencers have longer on-time than other fencers. Moreover, the manufacturer’s warranty covers damage caused by lightning.
Some important things to remember when buying an electric fence charger are its power, range, and resistance. You should also look for a good brand that offers a 3-year or 2-year warranty.
The Parmak Magnum Solar-Pak 12 Electric Fence Charger is a good choice for medium to large livestock. It can charge a fence for up to 25 miles and withstand wet weeds and brush. It has a simple appearance and is easy to use.
Another recommended option is the Parmak RM-1. It is the most powerful model among its competitors. It is also portable and has advanced solid state circuitry.
Lastly, the Parmak fence charger has a 30-mile range and a built-in performance meter. Besides, the charger is waterproof. With a simple push of a button, you can control your animals and garden.
Parmak is a top manufacturer when it comes to quality products. However, you should take the time to read the warranty information before purchasing one. Having this information will allow you to avoid unnecessary returns.