Ingrown Nail in Riverside

Ingrown Nail in Riverside

Ingrown toenails can be a painful, yet common foot care issue in Riverside. An ingrown toenail is caused when part of the toenail grows abnormally into the surrounding skin as a result of improper nail trimming or heredity. This condition can cause significant discomfort and should be treated by a foot care specialist. If you are struggling with an ingrown toenail in Riverside, our team of podiatrists at Riverside Foot & Ankle Clinic can provide pain relief and restore your foot’s health.

Understanding the Causes of Ingrown Toenails

An ingrown toenail can occur when the nail is trimmed too short, too close, or at an angle. This action can cause the nail to grow downward into the surrounding skin as it grows. Improper footwear, such as shoes that are not wide enough, can also contribute to ingrown toenails in riverside development as the tightness seen in these shoes can cause pressure on the nail plate and lead to the nail turning inwards. In some cases, a person’s genetic makeup can leave them more prone to developing ingrown toenails as their toenails may be curved and can become ingrown more easily.

Signs and Symptoms of Ingrown Toenails

For those individuals in Riverside who are suffering from an ingrown toenail in the riverside, there are usually some common signs and symptoms to be aware of. These may include:

• Swelling, redness, and tenderness in the affected area

• Pain when pressure is applied on the sides of the toenail

• Pus or fluid drainage from the affected area

• A foul odor

It is important to seek medical treatment for ingrown toenails, as neglecting to do so can result in infection and further complications. By having your ingrown toenail examined and treated, you can ease the discomfort and get back to living your day-to-day life free from pain.

Treatment of Ingrown Toenails

At Riverside Foot & Ankle Clinic, our team of podiatrists can provide thorough evaluation and treatment of your ingrown toenail. Depending on the severity of your condition, professional treatment may involve a variety of procedures, including:

• Partial or full nail removal

• Debridement of the nail fold that is infected

• Antibiotic ointment or oral medications may be administered to reduce infection

If the infection is severe, the nail may have to be completely removed, and most likely, an antibiotic cream applied until healing has occurred. In addition, a patient may receive pressurized dressings to reduce the size of the toe if it is swollen. In some cases, if an ingrown toenail is caused by faulty nail trimming, an orthotic device may be recommended to help keep the nail from growing into the skin.

Tips for Prevention of Ingrown Toenails

Here are some tips from our podiatrists to follow when caring for your toenails to prevent ingrown toenails.

• Trim your toenails straight across and not too short.

• File your toenails to remove any sharp edges.

• Wear comfortable shoes with a roomy toe box or wear flip-flops.

• Keep your feet clean and dry to minimize bacteria build-up.

• Wear protective footwear in activities that involve water.

• Wear synthetic socks to keep your feet dry and free of moisture.


1. What are the causes of ingrown toenails?

The most common causes of ingrown toenails are improper nail trimming, tight shoes, and heredity.

2. What is the best way to care for my ingrown toenail?

The best way to care for an ingrown toenail is to seek medical treatment. At Riverside Foot & Ankle Clinic, our specialist can provide you with a full evaluation and treatment for your ingrown nail.

3. What are some tips for preventing ingrown toenails?

Some tips for preventing ingrown toenails include properly trimming your toenails, filing any sharp edges, and wearing shoes with a roomy toe box. Additionally, keeping your feet clean and dry, wearing protective footwear in activities that involve water, and wearing synthetic socks can all help prevent ingrown toenails.


Ingrown toenails can be a painful, yet common foot care issue that affects many individuals in Riverside. It is important to understand the causes, signs and symptoms, and proper treatments of ingrown toenails. Professional treatment of this condition is recommended as neglecting to receive treatment can result in infection or further complications. At Riverside Foot & Ankle Clinic, our foot care specialists can provide you with thorough evaluation and treatment of your ingrown toe. If you are struggling with an ingrown toenail, contact us today for pain relief and to restore your foot’s health.

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